Sonographic evaluation of Gall bladder


Sonographic evaluation of hepatobiliary system

The Hepatobiliary system consists of the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and associated vasculature. Ultrasound is the primary imaging modality for

Sonographic evaluation of gall blader: 

A.      Gall bladder Size and Shape

 Shape: Pear-shaped, anechoic (fluid-filled).

Wall Thickness: ≤ 3 mm (measured at anterior wall in longitudinal plane).

 Length: 70–100 mm

Transverse Diameter: 30–40mm

B.     Echogenicity of Lumen:

 Anechoic (clear, without internal echoes)

C.      Diagnostic Applications

➤Gallstones (Cholelithiasis)

Echogenic foci with posterior acoustic shadowing. 
 Mobile: Stones move with patient repositioning. 
WES Sign (Wall-Echo-Shadow): Indicates a gallbladder full of stones. 
    ➤Gallbladder Sludge 
Low-level echoes within the lumen, no shadowing. 
May be gravity-dependent (moves with position change). 
   ➤Gallbladder Wall Thickening (>3 mm)
Cholecystitis (Acute/Chronic) – may show pericholecystic fluid, Murphy’s sign (+).
 Liver disease (Cirrhosis, Hepatitis)
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
  ➤Acute Cholecystitis
Gallbladder wall thickening (>3 mm)
Pericholecystic fluid
Positive Sonographic Murphy's Sign (Pain over the GB during probe pressure).
Hyperemic Wall on Doppler (Increased blood flow in inflamed wall). 
  ➤Porcelain Gallbladder
Echogenic GB wall with posterior shadowing (calcification).
High association with GB carcinoma.
  ➤Gallbladder Polyps   
Non-shadowing fixed echogenic masses projecting from the wall.
 >10 mm size or rapid growth → Concern for malignancy.

D.     Sonographic Techniques
·         Gray-scale US: To assess shape, size, and presence of gallstones/sludge.
·         Doppler US: To check for hyperemia (e.g., in acute cholecystitis). 
·         Compression Technique: Pain upon probe pressure → Murphy's Sign (+) (suggests acute cholecystitis). 
·         Color Doppler: Evaluate vascularity (e.g., hyperemia in infection).



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