Normal size of testis on ultrasound
Sonographic evaluation & measuring parameter of testis
Orchidometer Average Testicle Size Comparison
A- Size: 40–50 mm in length, 20–30 mm in width, 30 mm in anteroposterior dimension
➤General Reference Values:
Neonates: ~0.27 mL
Prepubertal Boys: ~1–3 mL
Puberty (10–14 years): ~4–12 mL
Adults: 12–25 mL [±2–5 mL]. (average: ~18–20 mL) The normal sonographic volume of the testes varies by age and individual, but for adult males, the typical testicular volume ranges from 12 to 25 mL per testis.
➤Formula for Testicular Volume Calculation:
The medical term for an enlarged testicle is macroorchidism.
The medical term for a small testicle is Microorchidism/Testicular Atrophy
B-Echotexture: Homogeneous, medium-level echogenicity.
C-Margins: Well-defined and smooth.
D-Vascularity: Normal intratesticular blood flow with symmetric arterial and venous
waveforms on Doppler imaging.
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